Friday, January 26, 2007


The portraits mentioned below are now available to view on flickr. I really enjoyed both shoots and I hope that the results reflect that. I also used the opportunity to practice my digital retouching, seeing as that is where all the money is these days. Lindsey has great skin and didn't require much work but I did learn some useful skills nonetheless. So, I'm sure Rankin will be on the phone any day now...

So far this picture has proved most popular, and is actually my favourite too.

Coming up over the next few weeks I will be dusting off the ol' SLR to shoot on film (!yikes!) for the first time since March 2006. Ok Ok, I took a disposable compact to the Girls Aloud concert, but I don't think that counts. Fujifilm are running competition for students to shoot on film using the theme 'Recreation'. The irony being that shooting on film involves, for me anyway, cursing and frustration, not a hint of recreation in sight. Also, all their ads for the memory cards have old pros like Mick Rock saying that it is just like using fujifilm, so clearly they are being 'pure hypocrites' to use a Glasgow phrase. I will let you know how it goes, and post the results once the negs (!) have been scanned (!!).

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