Friday, October 13, 2006

Brave New World

Regular readers will be aware that my promises of high-minded photography discourse have not yielded many blog entries. So I have decided to go off-topic in order to bring you more stuff to read when you’re meant to be working. I don’t doubt it will be hard to bring round the die-hard fans, but they are a tough audience who live for my insight.

Firstly, I have read some great books recently. Black Swan Green by David Mitchell is written by a 12 year old boy growing up during 1982 (and all Hearnes should note that is set near Great Malvern). This was surprisingly overlooked by the Booker judges despite being the runaway bookies favourite. I am saddened that I can no longer trust Ladbrokes for book recommendations. If you want to spend the rest of 2006 reading a novel about the history of magic in 19th century England, look no further than Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. Weighing in at 1000+ pages (em, 1006) both myself and Finlay have thoroughly enjoyed it. It met my requirement that all good books should be set in the past and Finlay’s requirement that all good books should have fairies in them.

TV-wise I’ve been loving Deadwood. It’s full of swearing, whoring, gambling and small pox and that’s only in the first 6 episodes. Deadwood could only be improved by Headley Lamarr riding into town, a-whoopin’ and a-wailin’. Also, everyone should be watching Arrested Development. If ever there was an argument that British people have no sense of humour, one only has to compare the hidden-in-the-schedules Bluth family to the runaway success of Little Britain. The masses are great. Once again you can trust them to find a man in a dress brain-achingly funny, just like they have since the dawn of time.

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